When working on the possible filtering levels, we arrived in the lab at some unlikely results, since we got as far as filtering 42.4% of communications.
This means, in practical terms, that Feeltr prevented up to 42.4% of content from passing through the web, without negatively affecting the users' surfing experience.
While working to create our technology, we of course expected to block ad abuse and malware. But what our experiments have revealed is that there is a whole underground world, passing small volumes of information, which when aggregated by millions of machines, represent large volumes.
Let's take telemetry as an example.
Telemetry is the transmission of "anonymized" information (a point that privacy advocates don't like) about your use of software. The goal is to allow publishers to benefit from statistical readings in order to improve their products.
Operating system, office suite, antivirus, web browser: so much accumulated data, which passes through your connection. Is it really necessary?
According to GREENPEACE, the traffic of the global Internet network would represent +/- 500 million tons of CO2, equivalent to two times the carbon footprint of a country like Spain.
If we could block, via Feeltr, for example 25% of traffic, that would be 175 million tons of CO2 saved.
As a comparison, the global effort defined during the COP21, which was not even achieved by shutting down the world during the COVID19 crisis, is to decrease emissions by about 150 million tons.
25% of Internet traffic stopped by Feeltr would be the equivalent of 9 743 739 more mature trees, absorbing CO2 at full green lung.
Will we achieve such a result?
That's for you to decide.
I decide to use FEELTR